Oh wow. What a brilliant article. I had no idea you used to work in air traffic control. I loved hearing your journey from professional life to writer - just fascinating - and as a 53 year old former biochemist it gives me hope that I might yet manage to fulfil my writing dreams.

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Oh yes you absolutely can! I was in aviation for 21 years until chronic health problems finally pulled the rug from under me. I didn't start writing until I was nearly 50 and got my first book deal aged 51. It is NEVER too late. Do you know what your writing dream looks like? Do you have an idea in mind? xx

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I totally hear you Em! Thanks for this piece and for reminding me about Bird by Bird. Have you read Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg?

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I have Writing Down the Bones - it's beautiful. I haven't read it all but I do love dipping into it. Bird by Bird is almost readable like a novel - it's great and I want to discover more of her writing. I know you know how it is ❤️

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I’m a new follower here, and new to writing. I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear so much of your writing today. I needed the hope that you can succeed without so many of the resume requirements and checklists to success we hear. Thank you!

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Hi Cheyanne - it's so lovely to meet you here. I see from your Substack that you're recovering from burnout - I have lived through this, and had a huge career and life transition. It took a meandering path, but I got my first book deal aged 51!! I really wanted to translate that it can happen to 'normal people', that you don't need to have things like a big social media following, and most of all to try and enjoy the writing! I'm so glad that this resonated with you xx

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Oh yes! Thank you for expressing this so well. Bird By Bird has been my favourite for years. And the words, "Just begin," are my mantra. Beautifully written. 🤗

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Ah yes...'just begin'... perfect. Thank you Julie, I'm delighted to have discovered Bird by Bird, thank you for your lovely comment x

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I adore Bird by Bird, and everything else Anne writes tbh!! So profound and incredibly inspirational - glad you found her xx

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I think it's the first book 'on writing' that I am devouring like a novel. Her writing is wonderful - I will definitely explore more! x

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Thank you Emma, I think your what you don’t need list is so inspiring. I can tick them all off as not having them, but then again 🤔… It has made me think and to carry on regardless. I love writing 😘😘

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Thank you, Emma. I really enjoyed this reminder.

I've been thinking too recently about the difference, for me, between 'pushing' to write something to be seen by others. Also the pain that comes with not finishing/ self doubt etc. Vs that blissful flow writing you describe.

It feels so different! And I'd like to invite more of that into my creative life. And I think I have been with what I've been working on recently.

I'm basically procrastinating on my other project with this lovely exciting new one but I'm trying not to judge this as a 'bad' thing.

Massive congratulations on your book! It's wonderful to read about your journey and your learnings.

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Thanks Emma!

I feel like I should print these lists and glue them to the inside of my eyelids. Great reminders.

I do find it funny though how everyone seems to like lighting candles 🤣

Over here they are a fire hazard! So many houses burn down because of candles 🤣.

Anyway - apart from the candle thing, I think what you have written is spot on 👌🏼.

I went to a writing workshop once years ago, the person presenting said the most important advice she could give was “apply bum to chair”.

Maybe that’s my problem. I get fidgety 😬


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Outstanding post, Em. I realize for many people on this platform, getting a book published is the goal but remembering why one writes keeps it all going.

BTW, I love your self description: "Air Traffic Controller Who Had a Dramatic Change of Direction...Author, Wild Swimmer, Tea Sommelier." You're no one who will be writing a predictable book for the next 30 years...


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