Ooo the joy of teenagers at that age hey, right there with you on that one, ours are same age, I keep calculating my driving hours in my head and it’s depressing! However I do use that time for podcasts and audible at least! Good luck with ALL the deadlines this week and looking forward to Wednesdays class 🙂❤️👏
Much love darling. Can't wait for masterclass on Wednesday. x
Enjoy the baking lovely, as we wait with anticipation - tastebuds tantalised!
Looking forward to the masterclass 🤩✨
So many ingredients!! Look forward to seeing you online in the week! Much love xx
I am so in awe of everything you have, are and will achieve Emma. 😘😘😘
Ok that nearly made me cry. And right back at you. We never know what's around the corner. Sending lots of love to you, you amazing woman x
Ooo the joy of teenagers at that age hey, right there with you on that one, ours are same age, I keep calculating my driving hours in my head and it’s depressing! However I do use that time for podcasts and audible at least! Good luck with ALL the deadlines this week and looking forward to Wednesdays class 🙂❤️👏