You remind me of Edna St Vincent Millay’s poem:

"My candle burns at both ends

It will not last the night;

But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -

It gives a lovely light."

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Looking her up. What a beautiful verse. It speaks directly to my soul Stunning imagery and really thought provoking

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Isn’t it gorgeous - and so true ❤️🔥

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Beautiful Jeannie ❤️

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I loved this!! I have a full electric car too and you’ve hit the nail on the head about how I’m so aware of their battery and the pressures it has upon it. I am very mindful of the percentage of where it is at! Also my first big trip in it alone was down to Appledore in Devon, last December! So funny that’s where you’re off too. Have a fabulous retreat my love 💛 Safe travels xx

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Exactly!! I’m so on it, always making sure it doesn’t get too depleted. How funny about Appledore - wish me luck for the drive. Be lovely to catch up soon ❤️🥰

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Good luck! And yes when I’m back from the marathon we will catch up. We never did our summer swim with life etc, autumnal catch-up sounds fabulous.

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I would really love that RCD ❤️

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Sep 18Liked by Emma Simpson

Love this, Emma. Need to read it more slowly and carefully. Not ready for an electric car yet, but the whole battery thing resonated and I must pause for thought...

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It’s a tricky decision going for a 100% EV… I totally get the not being ready but I love how it’s changed the way I think about driving…and perhaps more! ❤️

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I have ME/CFS AND an electric Peugeot (e3008 - big boot for the wheelchair). And yes life is like this. And yes I ‘like’ most aspect of my car, (as much as vehicular transportation can be liked) but especially the electric bit of it. Planning and rest, planning and rest. (Wish me luck for today - dentist later - that will completely drain my battery for days)

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Bless you, I hope you managed the dentist and are recovering. Plan and rest indeed…a life mantra my friend ❤️

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Sep 18Liked by Emma Simpson

Love this Emma! My car is a hybrid- not up for the whole electric commitment yet, mostly because my attention is such that I would forget to plug it in and then panic 🤣. But even the hybrid has changed the way I drive - much more gentle with aim to get anywhere with at least close to 50% EV.

I had chronic fatigue years ago when my kids were little. Learned to say No and reduce my aspirations ☺️. Also worked in a natural therpaies clinic and saw loads of people with chronic fatigue- all “Type A” personalities learning to revise.

Strongly recommend having a supply of easy and filling snacks (like nuts or trail mix) in your bag and carrying a water bottle to reduce the need for quick fixes energy-wise. This is from (1) my day-job, and (2) experience getting older - bodies start falling apart and good nutrition is so important early on. Get some info on “low GI (glycaemic index)” snacks - stops the blood sugar swings and overall reduces the stress on your body. Sorry (not sorry) for offering unsolicited advice 🤣 but cutting out crap in your body is SO important- like you wouldn’t put the wrong fuel or oil in your car and expect it to work. 🤗 ❤️

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21 hrs agoLiked by Emma Simpson

❤️ - excellent. It’s the day job (dietitian) 🤣 - I get twitchy at the thought of ultraprocessed stuff that masquerades as food - not to mention hugely angry at companies who want to make 💰💰💰 out of making people unhealthy and sad.

It’s such an easy fix to avoid that muck but those companies do such a great job of making it seem hard!

Having said that - I am a big chocolate fan 😁. Nothing wrong with a GOOD bar of chocolate - I also have some nut-embedded chocolate always on standby! But not the chocolate that is laced with all the glucose syrup gunk.

I am so glad you got the almonds out of the cupboard 🤗.

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I have been trying to avoid ultra processed food for some time - it’s not always easy, but I totally agree with how awful it is for our bodies:.. and yes the anger and the manipulation… it’s really shocking. Feeding sugar addiction and short term highs…so damaging. I love that you’re a dietician in your day job - so interesting 🥰

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Aah lovely Sarah… I read this before I set off this morning ❤️🙏. Thank you. I was being slight flippant about the fizzy drinks and chocolate as I whole heartedly believe in the importance of fuelling properly from within… but that said, when I’m in need of an emergency ‘refuel’ that can be my go-to 😳. I read this and grabbed a bag of almonds from the cupboard which came in the car and have been my only snack today! Thank you so much for understanding, and caring. You helped me look after myself today. ❤️

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Love this analogy Emma. I feel like there are 2 main types of low battery in my life - One is when my nervous system has been over stimulated for too long and I need to slow down, breathe, and down-regulate (including rest and sleep). The other is when I've been too sedentary for too long, or spending too much time on screens and I need to move, walk, dance or get out into nature. It's not always easy to discern which type of tired it is, but learning the difference has helped me immensely.

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Isn’t interesting about our different types of ‘tired’. I totally get this dichotomy - too much stimulation vs too much rest as we constantly try to strike the balance ❤️

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I don’t have an electric car…it’s not much use if you live in a terraced house with no driveway in a rural village!

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